
Press Release

[TodayEnergy 18.07.08] Small wind power, will you look away?
Date : 2018.09.13

In particular, wind power, which is expected to play an important role in expanding renewable energies, especially small wind power projects below 30kW, has been thoroughly ignored by the government and public institutions and local governments that are obliged to supply renewable energy. With the exception of very few companies, there are few companies left in the country because they often abandon small wind power.

Since the Audit Office pointed out that improvement of small wind power due to noise and breakdown is necessary, the government and related organizations treat the small wind power as a part that is virtually 'difficult to discard but difficult to grow'. The problem is that SMEs are focusing on the field, so they can not even voice their opinions to support the government.


I would like to reconsider whether it was only passive intentions not to overtake the responsibility of the past, but rather to overcome the case of receiving the point of past audit committee rather than making a plan to improve the problem of small wind power and to contribute to the expansion of renewable energy efficiently.


We can achieve our policy goals with energy sources other than small wind power. We can listen to the voice of the government that it is not responsible and the companies that appeal to the difficulties. It is not necessary to see whether any of the governments will go beyond the policy goals and create a strong country where the industry that will lead the global market in the future will create a strong nation.

Source : Today Energy



